WAKE UP PEOPLE. This is yet another proof that the 1World Government already rules the world.
Here already. Not just a threat anymore. Humanity is now totally enslaved.
Think I'm joking? WEF, NWO, UN, WHO, TNI. VAERS. Etc Etc Etc ad infinitum of all & every one of the “alphabet” agencies, worldwide. All just slithering out of the darkness into light.
LAW? What law? Whose law? Where? Not an uncorrupted legal system left anywhere on earth.
Know this. Any USA & UK law suits either get tossed immediately, or get bogged down in "process" for years. Then remember how many years any legal appeals take?
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I think what is happening is that the very notion of law is falling apart. It was always a fallacy. That strange people write these things and everybody has to follow them or they get arrested, or they get pressured by the other slaves who live around them. Law worked when the population was illiterate, the people simply didn't know any better. But now that we have a tool that gives each of us voice, there is no need for these supreme beings to "write the law". Now we can find out how many people agree or disagree with something. Now each of us can have our say, we can even make proposals ourselves and proposals pass by getting the numbers of people who support them. That's all that's needed. We have the tool now why aren't we using it? We can make agreement something that is totally transparent and quantified. None of this wishy washy old fashioned lawmakers making the laws and plebs forced to obey. It can be a totally scientific process. We don't use dial phones anymore because the technology has advanced and we have cell phones. We don't ride a horse and buggy anymore because we have cars. We have plumbing, we don't need to go to the brook to collect water. Same with working out what conventions we subscribe to. Why are we maintaining the idea of law when it is so outmoded?
Thanks Andy. So true the nightmare is everywhere around us and time to call out the real threats. 2023 - High Time For All Patriots To Rise To The Defense Of Humanity.