In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “deep US state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a deep global state, but there is no global government! There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media covering it? Who owns mainstream media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who pays political parties and political careers in order to control politics?
Most still have doubts if Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) wasn't behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? Is it because they are covering good deeds? Not goodness, evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!
In most all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lockdowned. Why were churches the last to recover freedom? Satan-city or God-city?
Not explainable through money, power and corruption
“What makes a person want to control and hoard? What makes a person choose wealth or power or accumulating “stuff” over supporting each other thrive? Why would members of our own species want to destroy all life on this planet?
We aren’t dealing with your average Joe’s. They are multi-generatioattalins of inbred, disconnected, mentally unstable psychos whose entire existence has been destruction, murder and chaos.” 2
Think about it. If you were a billionaire: when is enough, enough? Is enough never enough? Instead of enjoying life with your loved ones, why would you spend most of your billions with a mafia obsessed to cull humans, risking a revolution and being jailed or executed? This is way larger than a psychonspiracy.
Why would Facebook Zuckerberg give 450 million away to rig the 2020 elections in favor of Biden and democrat governors when he didn’t get that money back from the government? Think: even if you were a billionaire fanatic of the Democratic Party, why would you spend 450 million dollars in bribery, risking jail? And 450 million doesn’t even count on what the Zuck Bucks bought in prior elections and 2024.
Why would a foreigner like Soros, who doesn’t even visit the USA, give away billions to the Democratic Party?
In 2010, masons Warren Buffet (who funded Microsoft) and Bill Gates founded The Giving Pledge to manage the money of any billionaire who, just like them, was a figurehead of the masonic mafia and had to return them the dirty money made from monopoly, usury, insider information, sabotage, moles, government grants and contracts, tax credits and arranged bids, stolen patents, mason or corrupt judges favoring them (e.g. when Zuckerberg stole Facebook), counterfeit money and laundering, drugs, etc.
This is not a coincidence: “Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway “was a seasoned user of tax credits”3 “Bill Gates of Microsoft, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Warren Buffett control more wealth than the 160 million poorest Americans combined. And Buffett doesn’t mind working the system to keep it that way. His net worth as of January is $87 billion, but Buffett says he paid only $1.8 million in taxes in 2015—a mere 0.002 percent of his wealth. Buffett takes full advantage of tax loopholes. He uses Berkshire Hathaway, a valuable tax shelter, for his investments. The Republican tax bill will save Berkshire an estimated $37 billion, because the firm habitually defers its tax liabilities, which will now be paid off at a much lower rate.”4
Figurehead money had to be put to use under the mason agenda. Not only tax elusion explains why “400 highest tax-paying Americans donated between 8 percent and 11 percent of their income in 2010”. By 2019, the Pledge had raised more than 500 billion from 200 out of 2000 global billionaires. 9 It could now be over a trillion dollars (1000 billion), considering that the 2 founders gave over 100 billion, then it’s less than 1 billion for the rest, if we discount the top 5 donors.
Living Pledge hall of shame: Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft), Michael R. Bloomberg, Elon Musk, David Rockefeller (d. 2017), Jeff and Marieke Rothschild, Carl Icahn, Michael Milken (junk bonds scam), ...
They are not philanthropists (from greek, human-friends) but misanthropists (human-haters). They are not giving away their money: they are returning to Satan the stolen money to programs designed to exterminate us. Thank you but, no thank you! Their power is so obvious: their money is not taxed even if it’s destined to the common bad instead of the common good.
Why is it that so many billionaires are evil? It’s hard to believe s that money corrupts everyone: there are many examples that prove it doesn’t. It looks like there is a rigged system that searches to corrupt them (Epstein) and only allows the most evil to become billionaires by destroying the competition with unchecked illegal practices.
If it wasn’t for the freemason cabal, why would IBM masons give pimple college-dropout Bill Gates monopoly to IBM PC? He didn’t even have a software and stole/“bought” it from a Seattle programmer!
Lord Acton (19th century historian): “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
“Power structures tend to favor corrupt sociopathic individuals rising to the top.”10 Usually when a corrupt clique gets power, they cover for each other and repel any outsider which would cast light on their dark deeds. It isn’t a rule that any power structure breeds the most corrupt, but this particular power system is rigged to select the most evil puppets. Proof? the reaction to outsiders like RFK2 and Trump.
The mafia pays well. The devil is in the details: “Gates’ home, which he’s dubbed “Xanadu 2.0” as a reference to the movie Citizen Kane (note: you can’t make this stuff up!), was estimated to be worth $127.48 million in 2017. Add a large car collection and a $130 million art collection including a Leonardo da Vinci manuscript. The family also has a private jet worth almost $20 million and owns a private tropical island in Belize called Grand Bogue Caye, valued at about $25 million.”
Satan cons well, paradise on earth for fire in hell, “the good life” in exchange for eternal death ... the exact opposite to God:
Matthew 16
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
25 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
26 What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?
27 For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay everyone according to his conduct. 11
Matthew 19
27 Then Peter said to him in reply, “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?”
28 Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you that you who have followed me, in the new age, when the Son of Man is seated on his throne of glory, will yourselves sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life. 12
It's not the neo-cons13, reps or dems. It’s not the DoD, CIA, NSA, FBI, HHS, NIH, CDC, FDA. It’s not the USA, China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel. It's the MASONS and satanists in there! They promote hatred based on categories, political parties, races, religions, so we keep busy against each other while letting them destroy us all, blinded by identity fights. Divide and conquer. Factioning for ruling. Think about the concept of intersectionality: it was designed to multiply factions to the infinite, so that in the end, each person becomes a faction for himself!
That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t cherish and nurture from your national, religious and cultural roots. Yet those roots should be used to enrich your community, nation and mankind, not to squash the rest of them, based on a narcissist pride that only leads to fight, while strengthening your enemy and weakening your identity: they have succeeded in creating a rootless de-familized global citizen, easy to be manipulated in a nationless global government.
Communists, World-domination Zionists14, Islamic fundamentalists, Gaia worshiping environmentalists, UN, WEF, etc. All those groups seem to be working for their cause only, yet they are all precisely coordinated. On top of the puppet groups there are the different mason sects, and on top of them, the satanist sects (all groups work for Satan, but those upper sects have direct worship).
There's no deep state, just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. Freemasonry is THE most lethal virus. Freemasonry is THE enemy of “the people”, that destroys a nation from within. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry.
More here:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Rothschilds own the world financially. Now developed a God complex & decided they want to own humanity. Like a bored cat terrifying a wounded mouse. Pure Satanic Evil.
I think what is happening is that the very notion of law is falling apart. It was always a fallacy. That strange people write these things and everybody has to follow them or they get arrested, or they get pressured by the other slaves who live around them. Law worked when the population was illiterate, the people simply didn't know any better. But now that we have a tool that gives each of us voice, there is no need for these supreme beings to "write the law". Now we can find out how many people agree or disagree with something. Now each of us can have our say, we can even make proposals ourselves and proposals pass by getting the numbers of people who support them. That's all that's needed. We have the tool now why aren't we using it? We can make agreement something that is totally transparent and quantified. None of this wishy washy old fashioned lawmakers making the laws and plebs forced to obey. It can be a totally scientific process. We don't use dial phones anymore because the technology has advanced and we have cell phones. We don't ride a horse and buggy anymore because we have cars. We have plumbing, we don't need to go to the brook to collect water. Same with working out what conventions we subscribe to. Why are we maintaining the idea of law when it is so outmoded?
I do see your point, don't get me wrong, but I would draw the line for "totally enslaved" at a more practical threshold, like the establishment of CBDCs as the only viable payment platform for most people. Not that we'd be safe from that by any means. I see a push for this no later than 2030, possibly much earlier.
On the community side of things, too, there is some reason for optimism, though we have seen the abyss for sure. My guess is that something like 15 to 30% of people in the West and quite likely more in other places, especially African nations (my absolute COVID favourites!) are ready to really put everything on the line in order to resist the centralising, despotic forces.
I think it's not entirely too late, but only by the thinnest of unlikely threads. I agree that the traditional institutions of democratic change have all been lost. But we still have one power left. That's the power of superior numbers. We can choose to make personal sacrifices and take action by engaging in massive sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience. Massive means hundreds of thousands in the streets, speaking with one voice, demanding the return of a reasonably functional democratic system. Sustained means for as long as necessary, day after day, month after month, until power is reclaimed from the would-be global overlords who would rule over us under a worldwide technocratic totalitarian system. If we allow CBDC to get established along with face recognition surveillance it's game-over. Will we get it done? I'm not holding my breath.
No that won't work because it keeps us as an enslaved public looking to daddy to make the change. The change comes from us, from taking up our sovereignty and finding peers who agree with us and going our own way. I think a parallel society actually as the few have to get the ball rolling so that the still-enslaved can see how it's done. We will all have to learn new tricks.
Thanks for your response. I'm appreciating the "going our own way" point of view more and more as I continue to learn about it. I just hope enough progress can be made learning those new tricks before sophisticated censorship shuts down our communication of "non-approved" ideas to each other, both on the internet and off. I was hoping that massive civil disobedience might also serve to slow down their progress.
Massive disobedience only slows our progress because "where attention goes, energy grows" so whatever we put our attention to, we grow. It's very simple and it is something the masters know and we don't. I wrote an article on this. Also supplicating anyone maintains the slave mind. We only need peer approval to get anything done so we must direct our supplications to our peers not to the overlords. When masses of people protest anything, it comforts the overlords because they see masses of people still crying out for a master. We need to be our own boss now. Here's the article that is very important to know - Two Key Principles The Masters Know - and you probably don't:
I would say that far too few people have woken up to the terrible situation we're in. It has been said that massive nonviolent demonstrations provide the attention, and therefore the energy, needed to recruit people into a proper understanding and a more active participation in change. Further, I doubt that widespread civil disobedience "comforts the overlords".
Why do you doubt it comforts the overlords? What basis do you have for thinking that? If you run a business and your employees could all do without you but they don't know it, and they are protesting so you change their conditions, you know they are still at least your employees. You know you have the power still. But if they just ignored you and went and worked elsewhere, then you'd be out in the cold. That's what the people need to do - forget about their overlords - they never cared about you anyway and fool is you who ever thought they did.
I'm assuming we're using the word "comfort" here in its conventional sense. The overlords are still drawing a large part of their power from the bribery and intimidation of government officials who are subject to electoral politics. The legislators who make the laws, for example, want to be reelected in order to continue that gravy train. Many count on campaign contributions and blitz advertising from the overlords for reelection. What they fear is retribution advertising if they displease the big-money boys.
Now imagine that the legislators see a massive number of angry voters in the streets, obviously displeased at the way the government is being run. Suddenly they're in a very uncomfortable position. Will the angry voters be swayed by the usual big-money support? Or must we conceded to the popular demands in order to save our skins?
Note that once CBDC and digital IDs are implemented, government-controlled financial punishment at the individual level becomes universally possible. If you participate in massive demonstrations your ability to buy food can then be cut off cold. The game totally changes.
Another source of doubt regarding comfort comes from Erica Chenoweth at Harvard. She and her team compared over 200 violent revolutions and over 100 nonviolent campaigns around the world. Their data shows that 26% of the violent revolutions were successful, while 53% of the nonviolent campaigns succeeded. EVERY campaign that got active participation from at least 3.5 percent of the population succeeded, and many succeeded with less.
As an aside, I don't believe the employer-employee analogy you cited actually applies here. Employees cannot vote out their employer. Governments cannot replace existing voters with new voters.
As you said in your "Two Key Principles" piece, language and conversation matter. I think we are practicing that. Thanks for the conversation and have a great day!
Thanks Andy. So true the nightmare is everywhere around us and time to call out the real threats. 2023 - High Time For All Patriots To Rise To The Defense Of Humanity.
Who are “the powers that be”?
In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “deep US state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a deep global state, but there is no global government! There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media covering it? Who owns mainstream media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who pays political parties and political careers in order to control politics?
Most still have doubts if Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) wasn't behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? Is it because they are covering good deeds? Not goodness, evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!
In most all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lockdowned. Why were churches the last to recover freedom? Satan-city or God-city?
Not explainable through money, power and corruption
“What makes a person want to control and hoard? What makes a person choose wealth or power or accumulating “stuff” over supporting each other thrive? Why would members of our own species want to destroy all life on this planet?
We aren’t dealing with your average Joe’s. They are multi-generatioattalins of inbred, disconnected, mentally unstable psychos whose entire existence has been destruction, murder and chaos.” 2
Think about it. If you were a billionaire: when is enough, enough? Is enough never enough? Instead of enjoying life with your loved ones, why would you spend most of your billions with a mafia obsessed to cull humans, risking a revolution and being jailed or executed? This is way larger than a psychonspiracy.
Why would Facebook Zuckerberg give 450 million away to rig the 2020 elections in favor of Biden and democrat governors when he didn’t get that money back from the government? Think: even if you were a billionaire fanatic of the Democratic Party, why would you spend 450 million dollars in bribery, risking jail? And 450 million doesn’t even count on what the Zuck Bucks bought in prior elections and 2024.
Why would a foreigner like Soros, who doesn’t even visit the USA, give away billions to the Democratic Party?
In 2010, masons Warren Buffet (who funded Microsoft) and Bill Gates founded The Giving Pledge to manage the money of any billionaire who, just like them, was a figurehead of the masonic mafia and had to return them the dirty money made from monopoly, usury, insider information, sabotage, moles, government grants and contracts, tax credits and arranged bids, stolen patents, mason or corrupt judges favoring them (e.g. when Zuckerberg stole Facebook), counterfeit money and laundering, drugs, etc.
This is not a coincidence: “Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway “was a seasoned user of tax credits”3 “Bill Gates of Microsoft, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Warren Buffett control more wealth than the 160 million poorest Americans combined. And Buffett doesn’t mind working the system to keep it that way. His net worth as of January is $87 billion, but Buffett says he paid only $1.8 million in taxes in 2015—a mere 0.002 percent of his wealth. Buffett takes full advantage of tax loopholes. He uses Berkshire Hathaway, a valuable tax shelter, for his investments. The Republican tax bill will save Berkshire an estimated $37 billion, because the firm habitually defers its tax liabilities, which will now be paid off at a much lower rate.”4
Figurehead money had to be put to use under the mason agenda. Not only tax elusion explains why “400 highest tax-paying Americans donated between 8 percent and 11 percent of their income in 2010”. By 2019, the Pledge had raised more than 500 billion from 200 out of 2000 global billionaires. 9 It could now be over a trillion dollars (1000 billion), considering that the 2 founders gave over 100 billion, then it’s less than 1 billion for the rest, if we discount the top 5 donors.
Living Pledge hall of shame: Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft), Michael R. Bloomberg, Elon Musk, David Rockefeller (d. 2017), Jeff and Marieke Rothschild, Carl Icahn, Michael Milken (junk bonds scam), ...
They are not philanthropists (from greek, human-friends) but misanthropists (human-haters). They are not giving away their money: they are returning to Satan the stolen money to programs designed to exterminate us. Thank you but, no thank you! Their power is so obvious: their money is not taxed even if it’s destined to the common bad instead of the common good.
Why is it that so many billionaires are evil? It’s hard to believe s that money corrupts everyone: there are many examples that prove it doesn’t. It looks like there is a rigged system that searches to corrupt them (Epstein) and only allows the most evil to become billionaires by destroying the competition with unchecked illegal practices.
If it wasn’t for the freemason cabal, why would IBM masons give pimple college-dropout Bill Gates monopoly to IBM PC? He didn’t even have a software and stole/“bought” it from a Seattle programmer!
Lord Acton (19th century historian): “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
“Power structures tend to favor corrupt sociopathic individuals rising to the top.”10 Usually when a corrupt clique gets power, they cover for each other and repel any outsider which would cast light on their dark deeds. It isn’t a rule that any power structure breeds the most corrupt, but this particular power system is rigged to select the most evil puppets. Proof? the reaction to outsiders like RFK2 and Trump.
The mafia pays well. The devil is in the details: “Gates’ home, which he’s dubbed “Xanadu 2.0” as a reference to the movie Citizen Kane (note: you can’t make this stuff up!), was estimated to be worth $127.48 million in 2017. Add a large car collection and a $130 million art collection including a Leonardo da Vinci manuscript. The family also has a private jet worth almost $20 million and owns a private tropical island in Belize called Grand Bogue Caye, valued at about $25 million.”
Satan cons well, paradise on earth for fire in hell, “the good life” in exchange for eternal death ... the exact opposite to God:
Matthew 16
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
25 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
26 What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?
27 For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay everyone according to his conduct. 11
Matthew 19
27 Then Peter said to him in reply, “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?”
28 Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you that you who have followed me, in the new age, when the Son of Man is seated on his throne of glory, will yourselves sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life. 12
It's not the neo-cons13, reps or dems. It’s not the DoD, CIA, NSA, FBI, HHS, NIH, CDC, FDA. It’s not the USA, China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel. It's the MASONS and satanists in there! They promote hatred based on categories, political parties, races, religions, so we keep busy against each other while letting them destroy us all, blinded by identity fights. Divide and conquer. Factioning for ruling. Think about the concept of intersectionality: it was designed to multiply factions to the infinite, so that in the end, each person becomes a faction for himself!
That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t cherish and nurture from your national, religious and cultural roots. Yet those roots should be used to enrich your community, nation and mankind, not to squash the rest of them, based on a narcissist pride that only leads to fight, while strengthening your enemy and weakening your identity: they have succeeded in creating a rootless de-familized global citizen, easy to be manipulated in a nationless global government.
Communists, World-domination Zionists14, Islamic fundamentalists, Gaia worshiping environmentalists, UN, WEF, etc. All those groups seem to be working for their cause only, yet they are all precisely coordinated. On top of the puppet groups there are the different mason sects, and on top of them, the satanist sects (all groups work for Satan, but those upper sects have direct worship).
There's no deep state, just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. Freemasonry is THE most lethal virus. Freemasonry is THE enemy of “the people”, that destroys a nation from within. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry.
More here:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Rothschilds own the world financially. Now developed a God complex & decided they want to own humanity. Like a bored cat terrifying a wounded mouse. Pure Satanic Evil.
Yep, and it has been going on for quite some time. Decades at least.
I think what is happening is that the very notion of law is falling apart. It was always a fallacy. That strange people write these things and everybody has to follow them or they get arrested, or they get pressured by the other slaves who live around them. Law worked when the population was illiterate, the people simply didn't know any better. But now that we have a tool that gives each of us voice, there is no need for these supreme beings to "write the law". Now we can find out how many people agree or disagree with something. Now each of us can have our say, we can even make proposals ourselves and proposals pass by getting the numbers of people who support them. That's all that's needed. We have the tool now why aren't we using it? We can make agreement something that is totally transparent and quantified. None of this wishy washy old fashioned lawmakers making the laws and plebs forced to obey. It can be a totally scientific process. We don't use dial phones anymore because the technology has advanced and we have cell phones. We don't ride a horse and buggy anymore because we have cars. We have plumbing, we don't need to go to the brook to collect water. Same with working out what conventions we subscribe to. Why are we maintaining the idea of law when it is so outmoded?
I do see your point, don't get me wrong, but I would draw the line for "totally enslaved" at a more practical threshold, like the establishment of CBDCs as the only viable payment platform for most people. Not that we'd be safe from that by any means. I see a push for this no later than 2030, possibly much earlier.
On the community side of things, too, there is some reason for optimism, though we have seen the abyss for sure. My guess is that something like 15 to 30% of people in the West and quite likely more in other places, especially African nations (my absolute COVID favourites!) are ready to really put everything on the line in order to resist the centralising, despotic forces.
One way to ensure safety from total digital control is to make sure the money system is also a cash system, not just digital.
I think it's not entirely too late, but only by the thinnest of unlikely threads. I agree that the traditional institutions of democratic change have all been lost. But we still have one power left. That's the power of superior numbers. We can choose to make personal sacrifices and take action by engaging in massive sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience. Massive means hundreds of thousands in the streets, speaking with one voice, demanding the return of a reasonably functional democratic system. Sustained means for as long as necessary, day after day, month after month, until power is reclaimed from the would-be global overlords who would rule over us under a worldwide technocratic totalitarian system. If we allow CBDC to get established along with face recognition surveillance it's game-over. Will we get it done? I'm not holding my breath.
No that won't work because it keeps us as an enslaved public looking to daddy to make the change. The change comes from us, from taking up our sovereignty and finding peers who agree with us and going our own way. I think a parallel society actually as the few have to get the ball rolling so that the still-enslaved can see how it's done. We will all have to learn new tricks.
Thanks for your response. I'm appreciating the "going our own way" point of view more and more as I continue to learn about it. I just hope enough progress can be made learning those new tricks before sophisticated censorship shuts down our communication of "non-approved" ideas to each other, both on the internet and off. I was hoping that massive civil disobedience might also serve to slow down their progress.
Massive disobedience only slows our progress because "where attention goes, energy grows" so whatever we put our attention to, we grow. It's very simple and it is something the masters know and we don't. I wrote an article on this. Also supplicating anyone maintains the slave mind. We only need peer approval to get anything done so we must direct our supplications to our peers not to the overlords. When masses of people protest anything, it comforts the overlords because they see masses of people still crying out for a master. We need to be our own boss now. Here's the article that is very important to know - Two Key Principles The Masters Know - and you probably don't:
I would say that far too few people have woken up to the terrible situation we're in. It has been said that massive nonviolent demonstrations provide the attention, and therefore the energy, needed to recruit people into a proper understanding and a more active participation in change. Further, I doubt that widespread civil disobedience "comforts the overlords".
Why do you doubt it comforts the overlords? What basis do you have for thinking that? If you run a business and your employees could all do without you but they don't know it, and they are protesting so you change their conditions, you know they are still at least your employees. You know you have the power still. But if they just ignored you and went and worked elsewhere, then you'd be out in the cold. That's what the people need to do - forget about their overlords - they never cared about you anyway and fool is you who ever thought they did.
I'm assuming we're using the word "comfort" here in its conventional sense. The overlords are still drawing a large part of their power from the bribery and intimidation of government officials who are subject to electoral politics. The legislators who make the laws, for example, want to be reelected in order to continue that gravy train. Many count on campaign contributions and blitz advertising from the overlords for reelection. What they fear is retribution advertising if they displease the big-money boys.
Now imagine that the legislators see a massive number of angry voters in the streets, obviously displeased at the way the government is being run. Suddenly they're in a very uncomfortable position. Will the angry voters be swayed by the usual big-money support? Or must we conceded to the popular demands in order to save our skins?
Note that once CBDC and digital IDs are implemented, government-controlled financial punishment at the individual level becomes universally possible. If you participate in massive demonstrations your ability to buy food can then be cut off cold. The game totally changes.
Another source of doubt regarding comfort comes from Erica Chenoweth at Harvard. She and her team compared over 200 violent revolutions and over 100 nonviolent campaigns around the world. Their data shows that 26% of the violent revolutions were successful, while 53% of the nonviolent campaigns succeeded. EVERY campaign that got active participation from at least 3.5 percent of the population succeeded, and many succeeded with less.
As an aside, I don't believe the employer-employee analogy you cited actually applies here. Employees cannot vote out their employer. Governments cannot replace existing voters with new voters.
As you said in your "Two Key Principles" piece, language and conversation matter. I think we are practicing that. Thanks for the conversation and have a great day!
Better to travel with hope in our hearts than to live in despair has never been a better adage.
Bigger problem is how to wake folk up. Substack doing a great job. But never enough to wake up the masses sleep walking into the nightmare.
Please pass this substack as far & as wide as you can. Thank you.
Thanks for taking the time to red my substack. Appreciated.
Amy thank you very much for subscribing! If possible spread this as far & as wide as you can. Appreciated.
Just got yourself a new subscriber.
Thanks Andy. So true the nightmare is everywhere around us and time to call out the real threats. 2023 - High Time For All Patriots To Rise To The Defense Of Humanity.
Absolutely KW.