chemtrails make the air more electrically conductive also needed for electro magnetic conduction of 5g and all other " skynet signals.... good God help us all return to goodness and truth

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I was hospitalised with "covid" after 5G was turned on locally. I treated myself for the spike protein once out of hospital, with no effect. I then started to protect myself from 5G and that is a long journey, but at last my health is improving.

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i did the work for you and overlaid both maps https://0x0.st/HNZd.gif

pretty weak correlation there. london shows a low covid rate, but has 5g, other counties have a high red rate and no 5g.

And you provide no information whatsovever about what the red map is showing.

Very stupid post, you have made.

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You might find some stuff that interest you in this lot:


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You may find this interesting:


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And many of the big hospitals had 5G systems installed in the run up to 2020. I recall a Central news report from 2019 (I think) with the hospital boasting about it and how it would make things a lot easier and faster in the hospital sending test results, X-ray and MRI results etc to who needed it.

Then in Holland there was a report during "The Pandemic™" where they interviewed care home staff and owners who were complaining that some vandals had damaged beyond repair the 5G towers they relied on.

Then there was an interview with Andy Street (West Midlands Mayor) about the 5G test rollout in the Midlands and he said that one of it's main benefits was cutting down face-to-face consultations in the NHS.

Here's what they are doing in healthcare settings with it:



And they are pushing it more and more:


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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Andy Bunting

Very very possible.

Here's a few more studies and reports linking the 2 together.


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Nice to see someone else posting on this subject.

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Does this apply to the unvaxxed as well ?

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Andy Bunting

Yes and since 5g is so essential during the plandemic new infrastructure work never halted but escalated

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Excellent info Andy. You may also like this paper:


The only thing I would say is about the China guys falling right in front of cameras and hazmat suited people right there smells of crisis actors (some of these had vids of the production crew filming), and that is not a natural way to fall from most any kind of illness. Maybe get rid of that line and just focus on the chrono- and geo- graphic overlaps.

But be sure this is a great topic and post!

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by Andy Bunting

5G is linked to the worldwide simulation in the "super AI" that is already running the show. It can also convert graphene oxide (it was in the injections) to rapid-acting graphene hydroxide, and once the person's DNA is known to the AI, it can activate a kill switch or just sicken people, but psychotronic attacks on humanity have been accelerating, anyway.

"Covid" symptoms indeed emerged in Wuhan and in Northern Italy after massive 5G installations. It's good to hear about Britain; love the maps!

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