You are over the target Andy - well done, no apology required. :-)

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Andy Bunting

Exactly like with all big pharma drugs and mRNA injections...the truth will never be known.

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Let's be clear though, that each of us can do everything possible to remove all dirty electricity and nasty EMFs from our own homes but that will still not save us. It is everyone else's 5G phones (presuming we don't have one), and their signals zapping between their phones and the towers, that are going to kill us . So sure, we need to clean our homes up as best we can, but we can NEVER protect ourselves completely. We can even move to somewhere with no 5G coverage and then collapse after a visit to the local shops. It is everywhere now.


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The FDA is going for the gold, not the American public, which they always sell out.

Great job!

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You do great work.



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