Andy, I am with you totally and what you propose is absolutely in the right spirit. However we need to do this piece by piece for obvious reasons. The next significant event piece that needs our collective attention is the coronation oath. King Charles as ‘First Among Equals’ under our constitution has to protect our rights as citizens. While he was Prince of Wales he supported and introduced the Great Reset. As King Charles cannot where two hats at the same time. He must include in his coronation oath his promise to uphold the constitution, his most important role as monarch and reject the Great Reset which is very detrimental to the interests of the citizens of the U.K. If he fails to do so there is no need for a monarchy. The Magna Carta is still as valid today as it was when it was signed. Since 1659 this important document has not been upheld. The ruling monarchs since that time have not protected our constitutional rights, including Ahis mother, Queen Elizabeth. During her 70 year reign she allowed parliament to create statutes that are not in the people’s best interests. You may already know about this already so I apologise if you do but please refer to www.commonlawconstitution.Org and it will confirm. Steps have been taken to alert Charles as to his constitutional duties. If he ignores them he will be failing in his duty and his position of monarch will become a mockery. May 6th is the date to watch for and from this date either he performs or otherwise all bets are off.

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Andy, but elections are a sham, whoever gets elected. Shouldn't the revamp of 'the system' start from further back, such as by beginning with eliminating professional politicians (you may interpret that to mean either their jobs, or their physical selves, if you will), eliminating the profession of the politician entirely, and eliminating the political party artifice once and for all. That whole paradigm was contrived to present a false dichotomy, and to entrench a Red Team/Blue Team model and mentality, which is an easily manipulable construct with which to polarise the populace, exploit division, and furthermore, it's at the very heart of the us/them duality necessary for stoking xenophobia and war-mongering. Enough!

Governance of the community is the responsibility of the community, so everyone in the community must directly take part in it. If someone doesn't want to or can't, then a proxy must be appointed from the community, but no-one must ever seek or receive, nor should the avenue ever be provided for pay, kick-backs, bribes, or financial incentives of any kind, ever.

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Look out next Saturday Andy - you are in my SURVIVAL MONITOR. Good stuff my friend - go well



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Regrettably Andy I fear that the collapse cannot be stopped. The physics of complex adaptive systems dictates that when complexity becomes too great the system collapses under its own dynamic like a sand-pile when just one extra grain causes a sudden collapse to a less complex and smaller scale. Here is the logic:


And here is a master on complexity describing the same thing:


I will leave you (and Niall) to the politics because you guys will be essential in the New Emergent Economy as it becomes visible.

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Spot on Andy - another rebel to join the club (the little one, not the BIG one). My good friend Niall Warry is a political chap (I'm more a homespun economist looking to create a local economic model). Niall's blog is here: https://harrogateagenda.org.uk/

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I appreciate the intention, but the system cannot be changed from the inside:


It's already illegitimate:


The enforcers during the plandemic were busy making sure that the sheeple were wearing their muzzles properly:


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Thank you, Andy. You're right: Consciousness and protest is rising to correspond with the crimes and threats we see in 2023. Millions ARE acting ... outside electoral politics. To me, one great step is withdrawing We Masses' wealth from the WEF's 100 Strategic Partners and strengthening alternative, local economies. Organic farms and commerce is growing! https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/local-control-and-organic-solutions

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What you call for is not action-able. What is action-able?

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Andy Bunting

I was thrilled to read your sentiments because yes we've been scammed up the wazoo. And the future is going to be beyond horrific. But what is happening is that reality is coming to light. Nobody can represent you. Giving your power to others just keeps the same system going of your remaining a child needing a parent to decide your life for you. Now we must go peer-to-peer not upstream to daddy. We have the most important tool humans could ever have, digital technology. We can make proposals ourselves and our peers vote on proposals. We need to make new systems, of consensus and of money. We cannot keep using centralized currencies. By keeping these two systems in place we are actually cutting our own throats. It's time for a whole new world where YOU are the sovereign and so are your peers. Everyone is a peer and nobody is above or below.

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